Love is in the Air!
Gemstone Sitting Cats

Gemstone Sitting Cats

Crystals and precious/semi precious stones have long been believed to have special qualities and powers. Whilst there is little scientific proof for many of these beliefs, it is certainly true that just a belief in their power can have a positive and powerful effect. 

Our selection of gemstone cats includes those matched as closely as possible to official birthstones. Where the official stone is not feasible due to cost (diamond, emerald, sapphire etc) we have used artistic licence and judgment (usually based on colour) to offer a suitable alternative.

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18 results
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18 results
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Birthstone / Month
18 results
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Cat Type
18 results
Stone Colour
Stone Colour
18 results
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Stone Type
18 results
 Garnet Gemstone Kitten January Birthstone
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 Labradorite Gemstone Kitten March Birthstone
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Clear Quartz Gemstone Kitten April Birthstone
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Opal Gemstone Kitten June Birthstone, The Lucky Cat Shop
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Strawberry Stone Gemstone Kitten July Birthstone, The Lucky Cat Shop
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Red Veinstone Gemstone Kitten August Birthstone, The Lucky Cat Shop
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Blue Aventurine Gemstone Kitten September Birthstone, The Lucky Cat Shop
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Yellow Calcite Gemstone Kitten November Birthstone
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Sodalite Gemstone Kitten December Birthstone
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Blue Rhyolite Gemstone Kitten, The Lucky Cat Shop
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Yooperlite Gemstone Kitten, The Lucky Cat Shop
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Blue Opal Gemstone Kitten October Birthstone
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